“The only abnormality is the incapacity to love.”–Anais Nin

The very first time I can remember the words I love you came from my mother. My cousin, Miles died from cancer when he was about three-years old. My family took his death hard, especially my uncle and my father. Soon after Miles death my father began telling me more and more how much he loved me. I often wondered, did my dad know something about the future that I did not? Was I going to die soon like my cousin-Miles? Strangely as I write today, I remember the last time I spoke with my father and he told me he loved me. If I counted all the times my mother, my siblings and my ex-wife told me they loved me combined it would not come close to the many times my father told me he loved me. One day I received a phone call informing me my father had passed away. I dropped the phone and fell hard to the floor because I was suffering a massive heart attack . I lay on the floor unable to catch my breathe, but I could hear my father’s voice one last time:

“I love you.”

Since my father’s death the word’s ‘I love you’ have taken on a much greater importance and power to me. I now understood the delicate existence we all are apart of; we never know when our last moments of life will be. Now, like my father I look upon the people most dear to me and I have this unquenchable desire to verbalize how I feel about them with just three words–I love you.

I have never been to jail and it is only because of my father’s love. My father was good friends with the Sheriff who ran the county jail and my father arranged for me to spend about thirty-five minutes in lock up. The ruse was my father had a meeting with the Sheriff and the only safe place for me to wait in was an empty jail cell. Once my father and the Sheriff left me a really tough looking guy walked in front of my jail cell and questioned me on why I was in jail. I told him I did nothing wrong and that I was just waiting for my father. He cursed at me, spat on the floor and called me a liar. A second inmate asked me who I shot; this really troubled me because I was only ten-years old.

I clapped back:

“I didn’t shoot anybody!”

Again, I was called a liar.

A third inmate asked me if I stole a car. I shook my head as if to wonder, are all these men crazy? Not much later my father and the Sheriff returned and they had big smiles on their faces. My father asked me if I was alright. I could not wait to get out of that trap! Once outside my father asked if I was hungry and we got in the car and drove to a favorite restaurant called Howard Johnson’s. We booth took our seats and both ordered hamburgers, fries and Coke. I watched as my father pulled out a hanky and wipe his eyes. He looked deep into my eyes and he began to speak slow and almost in a whisper.

“Charlie, that place we just left is just a shit-hole if there ever was one. I’m telling you son, you never want to end up there. I hate that place. They feed you worse than a dog. Tell you when to go to the bathroom, when to eat, when to sleep, and when to get up. Charlie, if you ever go to jail I will take all of your stuff and put it on the front lawn. Me and your mother will not let you back in our house. Me and your mother can help you get anything you want, but stealing and robbing is not going to be tolerated. You understand me son?”

I nodded yes but was in total shock.

Not long after my father’s warning my best friend drove up in a red GTO and asked me to go for a ride with him. I told him that would be out of the question because I knew he’d stolen the car. My friend pressed me hard and then he asked me if I was afraid and I told him I was. He laughed and quickly drove off. Well, as you would have guessed my friend was stopped by the police and was arrested for stealing a car. Sadly, most of my childhood friends have a police record. I really wish more fathers would tell their sons how much they love them and that jail will destroy so many opportunities that lay before them. Life becomes more beautiful for all concerned when we can simply say to our family and friends the simple words of,


Charles Micheaux


Ignoble Oklahoma Supreme Court

“History will have to record the greatest tragedy of this social transition was not the strident clamor of bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”–Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, I ask where are the good people? Any decent human being can look at what the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled on the Tulsa massacre is wrong. Should seven white judges really decide the fate of the survivors of the Tulsa massacre at the hands of a violent white mob? Is it possible these white judges can remove their whiteness from the events that happened on May 31st, 1921 when over 600 black owned businesses were completely destroyed by fire set by a white violent mob? Have these seven ignoble judges considered the destruction of 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores, 2 movie theaters, 4 law firms, 1 hospital, 1 bank, 1 post office, 6 airplanes, 1 bus company and four hotels owned by black people?

Today, my heart is broken for the few remaining survivors of the Tulsa massacre. The injustice handed down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court is inexplicable. I am truly appalled and disgusted that this court can think their dishonorable behavior will not go unchecked.

A message to Black Media:

“Once you find the truth you ought to be prepared to stand on the street corner and use all your gifts to right the wrong.” –Maya Angelou

Charles Micheaux


Autocracy, Donald Trump & Project 2025

I truly believe and fear should Donald J. Trump win the election in November, the Supreme Court will be in play. A new round of ignoble judges will sit on the high court to do Trump’s bidding. I fear Social Security, Medicaid, and Voting Rights will be in serious peril, in short they would be eliminated. Project 2025 envisions enormous changes across the government, and the role of federal agencies. Project 2025 under Donald Trump would eliminate the Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Federal Communications Commission and would gut the Affordable Care Act’s coverage of emergency contraception.

Project 2025 would advise President (Donald Trump) to immediately direct the Department of Justice to pursue Donald Trump’s adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act 0f 1807. It has been reported by Axios that the Heritage Foundation has briefed other 2024 Republican presidential candidates on Project 2025. Many of the authors of Project 2025 are members of the first Trump administration and these people are diehard Trump loyalist. Donald Trump’s plans for a second term includes giving the president unchecked power over federal agencies and the ability to bypass the Congress.

The road leading to autocracy by Donald Trump and Project 2025 will only happen if the electorate does not come out and vote to stop this train wreck–Donald Trump.

Charles Micheaux


The Incineration of Black Wall Street

“I want young men and young women who are not alive today…to know and see that these new privileges and opportunities did not come without somebody suffering and sacrificing for them.”–Martin Luther King Jr.

In 2020 President Donald Trump issued an executive order to outlaw federal agencies from teaching Critical Race Theory.

On April 11, 2023 federal, state and local governmental agencies introduced measures to outlaw the teaching of Critical Race Theory. Anti-CRT measures have been introduced in every state but Delaware. This is why the Tulsa massacre of 1921 is so important to remember. In 1921 Tulsa Oklahoma was plagued by white vigilantism and the lynching of black men. On the morning of May 31, 1921 , a black shoeshine boy named Dick Rowland walked onto an elevator operated by a white girl named Sara Page. Dick Rowland stepped on the young woman’s foot by accident. The woman screamed and the next day in the Tulsa Tribune newspaper it was reported the 19-year old Dick Rowland tried to rape Sara Page on the elevator. This sparked outrage among the white people of the community and soon a white mob went to the city jail to remove Dick Rowland and hang him from a tree. The mob was unsuccessful in removing Dick Rowland and so they began torching every black owned business in Tulsa.

Over 600 black owned businesses were completely destroyed by fire. The destruction of 21 churches, 21 restaurants, 30 grocery stores, 2 movie theaters, 4 law firms, 1 hospital, 1 bank, 1 post office, 6 airplanes, 1 bus company and 4 hotels. The incineration of Black Wall Street went on for two whole days. 800 black people were injured with no hospital to go to and no police department to protect them from the violent white mob.

Imagine waking up on a Sunday morning and the church you went to for so many years was leveled to dirt. Many of the black entrepreneurs left Tulsa after the massacre and total loss of their homes, businesses and property. Those black people who decided to stay in Tulsa, were forced to spend the winter of 1921 and 1922 in tents. The story of Black Wall Street and the Tulsa massacre is a story to be remembered by every generation because it truly helps us move forward and take nothing for granted.


Google: Tracking the Attack on Critical Race Theory

Today, survivors–109-year old Lessie Randall and 110-year old Viola Fletcher await a decision from the Oklahoma Supreme Court on their reparations case.

Charles Micheaux
