Why we fight for Leonard Peltier’s freedom?

” I’m dreading another year in here. Doksha.” –Leonard Peltier

We celebrate Leonard Peltier’s 79th birthday on September 12th 2023 there will be a rally in Washington, D.C. outside the White House from 12:00–2:oo P.M.

If you cannot make the rally, please call the White House at (202) 456-1111.

Year after year, decade after decade millions of people from all over the world have called for Leonard Peltier to be released from prison. The fact that he is an innocent man held for 48-years is one of the worst crimes against humanity of the 20th century. I want to show you a short list of the best of humanity that have advocated on behalf of Leonard Peltier.

Saint Mother Teresa,Pope Francis, Archbishop Desmund Tutu, Dalai Lama, Coretta Scott King, Harry Belafonte, Danny Glover, Congressman John Lewis, Ruth Anna Buffalo,Senator Elizabeth Warren, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Brian Schatz, Senator Mazie Hirono, Senator Markey, Ringo Star,Robert Redford, Dick Gregory, Willie Nelson, Peter Gabriel, Sting, Stevie Van Zandt, Pete Seagar, Silent Bear, Kimberly LaFrom, Amnesty International and the great Nelson Mandela.

The names above are the very best of humanity and even more important is the fact that Leonard Peltier is cut from the same noble cloth as Mahatama Gandi,

Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela; in fact, Leonard Peltier is the Nelson Mendela of this generation.

Today, President Biden can free Leonard Peltier with the simple stroke of his pen. Few are guilty of Leonard’s imprisonment, but all are responsible for his freedom. A noble challenge introduces a woman to herself.

I implore everyone to write a letter to President Biden today; they say one voice can move a rock, but a million voices can move a mountain. Hey family, let’s move this mountain and free Leonard Peltier.

To those who ask why we fight each day for Leonard Peltier I say to you, just imagine if YOU, YOU were convicted of a crime that you were innocent of, would you want someone to speak up for YOU?

That’s a question….that WE all know the answer to, and that’s why we fight!

“I don’t know how to save the world. I don’t have the answer. I hold no secret knowledge as to how to fix the mistakes of past generations. I only know that without compassion and respect for all Earth’s inhabitants none of us will survive-nor will we deserve to.”–Leonard Peltier

Please contact the senators of your state regarding the release of Leonard Peltier.


Charles Micheaux


Author: Charles Micheaux is a classically trained actor and orator. He lives in Atlanta.

Charles Micheaux is an orator & philosopher. Charles has been a professional speaker since September 9th 1997. His highest honor is receiving a personal letter from Rosa Parks for his work in Baltimore, Maryland. Charles is a classically trained actor and orator. Charles makes his home in Atlanta.

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