George Washington Carver’s secret

The American historians of yesterday and today dare not tell the whole story of George Washington Carver’s very painful life. George Washington Carver was castrated as a slave boy.

The times when white men could be as depraved as the worst animal and do things to black people no one could imagine.

There was no humanity:

When I was being mistreated and violated, did you stand up and speak out in my favor?

Today, we have a responsibility to speak out in his favor to our children.

Charles Micheaux


Author: Charles Micheaux is a classically trained actor and orator. He lives in Atlanta.

Charles Micheaux is an orator & philosopher. Charles has been a professional speaker since September 9th 1997. His highest honor is receiving a personal letter from Rosa Parks for his work in Baltimore, Maryland. Charles is a classically trained actor and orator. Charles makes his home in Atlanta.

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